News ~ Recruitment Meetings
The Founder of the Rio Grande Heat felt it was important to start the team off on the right foot, which included hosting several Team Informational Meetings and going over expectations and requirements. Two meetings were held. One in Albuquerque and one in Santa Fe. These meetings were very successful, not only in providing prospective players and returning players with valuable information, it also allowed the women to ask questions and determine if they could make a commitment to the team and to each other.

News ~ Rio Grande Heat Tryouts
The Rio Grande Heat Tryouts is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Santa Fe Mall Park in Santa Fe, New Mexico. If you are interested in playing Women's Semi-professional Football, then this is the team for you! Come on out and try out for the team, you just may surprise yourself! NO FEE TO TRYOUT. Come dressed comfortably, cleats and possibly a light jacket just in case the weather changes. Hope to see you!

Practice Has Begun
The ladies of the Rio Grande Heat have begun practicing in Santa Fe at the Salvador Perez Park and in Albuquerque at Jerry Cline Park. Feel free to join the ladies for a workout if you are in the area - we continue to recruit ladies on the daily. Get in touch if you are ready to make that commitment. The Heat is in full effect!

The Rio Grande Heat traveled to Las Cruces, New Mexico to take on La Muerte de Las Cruces. It was a game played hard and fought until the last second ticked off the clock. Though we came up short, we will continue to battle. Our season is far from from over! There is still plenty of games to be played. Let's Go HEAT!

News ~ More News To Come
The Rio Grande Heat have taken the 2022 Season Off to rebuild, regroup, and re-focus in preparation for a bigger and better 2023. Covid-19 has definitely taken its toll on everyone and unfortunately we were not exempt from its affect. We will be back in 2023 - Bigger and Stronger!
Let's Go HEAT!